Virabhadrasana with Canisius College Griffins Baseball

I’ve been very fortunate instructing Yoga with the Canisius College Pitching Staff going into our 2nd year together. Coach Mike McRae is very successful and highly competitive which is clearly demonstrated by his forward thinking and inclusion of yoga for the team. In this shot we are working on Virabhadrasana II, AKA Warrior 2, which… Continue reading Virabhadrasana with Canisius College Griffins Baseball

Kakasana at Lewiston Artpark

Kakasana AKA Crow is one of my favorite arm balances. It took lot’s of practice to finally “get it” and even now Kakasana likes to be re-visited frequently in order to maintain confidence and ability. This particular moment required quite a bit of faith and determination as the top of this stump was fairly small… Continue reading Kakasana at Lewiston Artpark

Eka Pada Baddha Malasana

Eka Pada Baddha Malasana AKA: One Leg Bound Squat or One Leg Bound Garland pose. This is a challenging pose that works the abdominal muscles, creates flexibility in the ankles, and helps open the hips, shoulders, and heart. It also helps to build faith and trust especially when performed at the edge of a cliff… Continue reading Eka Pada Baddha Malasana